Please see the Stack TeamApp for those cadets who have been chosen to attend gliding. To see the joining instructions, click on the paperclip in the gliding news. It is very important to get back to squadron staff if you can not attend. Only those cadets who are on the list are permitted to attend. If a cadet is unable to attend, they are required to notify Squadron Staff immediately. Please read the document in the app for all the required information.
Cadet drop off is 0700 @ LHQ. Do not attend any earlier.
The bus departs at 0730 sharp. If a cadet is not there, the bus will leave without you
Pick up is approximately 1730 hrs
83 (Juno Beach) RCACS
15 Oct 23 Glider Familiarization Flying
Netook Cadet Gliding Centre
The attached Nominal Rollists the names of the cadets selected for the Gilder Familiarization Flying day scheduled for Sunday, 15 Oct 23.
The cadets will be transported by school bus from the Shepard Community Hall to the Netook CGC, and back to the Shepard Community Hall.
The bus will be departing from the Shepard Community Hall at 0730
The bus will be returning to the Shepard Community Hall at approximately 1730. If the return time changes, squadron staff will advise parents via the Stack Team app. Cadets will also be asked to contact their parents directly if any changes in arrival time occurs
Lunch for the cadets will be provided (Subway sandwiches). However, if cadets have dietary restrictions, they should bring their own lunch.
Water and Snacks
Cadets must bring a full water bottle, and any snacks they may want.
Cadets must review the weather forecast and dress for the expected conditions. Field training uniforms or civilian clothing, sun hats, toques and gloves are recommended.
List of cadets to attend gliding
K. Davis
T. Sierra
J. Nephin
S. Rajenran Thanu
A. Mortlock
A. Thanki
I. Bondarenko
L. Atayiu
J. Harasemchuk
T. Toledo
L. Barlow
S. Einarson
S. Soni
K. Brar
M. Sanders
J. Ross
B. Goyal
N. Batinic
G. Friesen
N. Baquero-Lopez
L. Boaghi
J. Mangat
T. Toledo
K. Krentz-Asakura
M. Nieukerk
T. MacMillan
D. Rajhans
V. Oladeji
P. Patel