Tues, May 14 - Uniform Night

On Tues, May 14, we will be hosting a Uniform Night. Cadets are asked to show up in Civies (civilian clothing) and bring your Blue Uniforms on hangers/garment bag. Boots can be carried or placed in a box.

Bring the following items with you:

1. Entire Blue Uniforms (Tunic, Blue Shirt, Pants, Boots, Tie)

2. Those with long hair - hair gel, hair elastics, bobby pins, hair net, hair spray, brushes, combs.

3. Shoe polishing kit (Recommended brand - Kiwi Polish and Cloth) Sample images/links below. You can purchase these at most Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart or Superstore)



*SENIORS ONLY (F/Sgts and Above) - please bring ironing boards and irons.*

During this evening, cadets will learn how to properly maintain and work on their uniforms in preparation for ACR (Annual Ceremonial Review) which marks the end of a training year and is a showcase for the accomplishments of cadets in the squadron. Each ACR is presided over by a Reviewing Officer (RO), and a representative from the Air Cadet League of Canada. All cadets with long hair are also invited to learn how to properly groom your hair.

Uniform Resources: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cjcr-policy/cjcr-dress-instructions.html