May 2024 Promotions

May 2024 Promotions

Congratulations to the following cadets on their promotions this month! If your name is listed and you were absent, please see 2Lt Tran Jacqueline on any Tuesday in the Officer’s Office to receive your new ranks.  

Big congratulations to WO2 Wheater and WO2 Rasheed for being promoted to Warrant Officer Second Class which is the second highest rank in the cadet program. Following their merit review board, they were identified as fitting candidates to lead the squadron.

Another big congratulations to F/Sgt Zhu for his Drum Major recognition!

Curious about how to qualify for promotions? Visit and scroll down to “Promotions Checklist.” If you believe you are at the wrong rank or have any questions about promotions, please contact 2Lt Tran Jacqueline at and I’d be happy to look into your file.

Well done, cadets! We look forward to more promotions at the next CO’s Parade on June 4.


Brar, G LAC

Lefebvre, L LAC

Panwar, R LAC

Singh, H LAC

Smith, A LAC

Eizlini-Kjar, S Cpl

Galvis, J Cpl

Khairzad, M Cpl

Kooiman, M Cpl

Ng, S Cpl

Norris, C Cpl

Olabiyi, I Cpl

Paulino, C Cpl

Vaid, N Cpl

van den Camp, D Cpl

Wallace, D Cpl

Weber, M Cpl

Atayiu, L Sgt

Zhu, P Band Major

Wheater, J WO2

Rasheed, A WO2