Gliding Information

Please see the Stack TeamApp for those cadets who have been chosen to attend gliding. To see the joining instructions, click on the paperclip in the gliding news. It is very important to get back to squadron staff if you can not attend. Only those cadets who are on the list are permitted to attend. If a cadet is unable to attend, they are required to notify Squadron Staff immediately. Please read the document in the app for all the required information.


Cadet drop off is 0700 @ LHQ. Do not attend any earlier.

The bus departs at 0730 sharp. If a cadet is not there, the bus will leave without you

Pick up is approximately 1730 hrs


83 (Juno Beach) RCACS

15 Oct 23 Glider Familiarization Flying

Netook Cadet Gliding Centre

The attached Nominal Rollists the names of the cadets selected for the Gilder Familiarization Flying day scheduled for Sunday, 15 Oct 23.


The cadets will be transported by school bus from the Shepard Community Hall to the Netook CGC, and back to the Shepard Community Hall.


The bus will be departing from the Shepard Community Hall at 0730


The bus will be returning to the Shepard Community Hall at approximately 1730. If the return time changes, squadron staff will advise parents via the Stack Team app. Cadets will also be asked to contact their parents directly if any changes in arrival time occurs


Lunch for the cadets will be provided (Subway sandwiches). However, if cadets have dietary restrictions, they should bring their own lunch.

Water and Snacks

Cadets must bring a full water bottle, and any snacks they may want.


Cadets must review the weather forecast and dress for the expected conditions. Field training uniforms or civilian clothing, sun hats, toques and gloves are recommended.


List of cadets to attend gliding

K. Davis

T. Sierra

J. Nephin

S. Rajenran Thanu

A. Mortlock

A. Thanki

I. Bondarenko

L. Atayiu


J. Harasemchuk

T. Toledo

L. Barlow

S. Einarson

S. Soni

K. Brar

M. Sanders

J. Ross

B. Goyal

N. Batinic

G. Friesen

N. Baquero-Lopez

L. Boaghi

J. Mangat

T. Toledo

K. Krentz-Asakura

M. Nieukerk

T. MacMillan

D. Rajhans

V. Oladeji

P. Patel

GLIDING - OCT 15, 2023

GLIDING - 10.15.2023

IMPORTANT: Cadet families that have more than 1 cadet, each cadet MUST have their own slot.

Cadets and Parents:

The staff have discussed our gliding and familiarization flying sign-up process. We’ve had to make changes from a “first-come first-serve” to prioritization, as this will make it fairer to everyone. Moving forward, we will prioritize the opportunities to allow the cadets that have been with the squadron for a longer period of time and have not had an opportunity to get up in the air. For example, we have cadets that are in Level 4 that have still not been flying due to weather, cancellations, etc.

On our sign-up sheets, we will ask what your level is, and whether you have been flying with the 83 Juno Beach or another Air Cadet Squadron before. Priority will first be given to those cadets who have NOT been up in the air.

We hope this makes sense. If you have any concerns, please contact Capt. David Pritchard.

Details regarding the flying on October 15th will be provided once we have made the selections.

Thank you all for understanding.


Training Week Oct 2 - 3, 2023


We are excited to resume optional training! We are currently offering three optional training opportunities:

  1. Biathlon

  2. Band

  3. Drill Team

Effective speaking and other optional training opportunities will be announced at a later date.


  • Time: 1900-2000, 1 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • What: . Biathlon is a sport that combines physical fitness with marksmanship skills through a combination of two activities. physical fitness and marksmanship using an air rifle.

  • Who: All interested cadets are invited to attend! A team of the top 12 cadets will be submitted as a team to compete regionally with other squadrons.


  • Time: 1900-2100, 2 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • Who: Current band members. A future announcement will be made to invite new cadets who play instruments to join.


  • Time: 2000-2100, 1 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • Who: All interested cadets are invited to attend! We will be conducting drill team tryouts for a future competition.


Regular training. Parents are not permitted to stay at the LHQ unless you are an executive screened member of the SSC or are attending a meeting. Parents are welcome to join us for closing annoucements at 2100 hrs in the gym.

  • Time: 1815 - 2100 HRS

  • Dress: C1 - Ceremonial Dress (New Cadets will get these soon, please be patient, do not email supply asking for them) Cadets with no uniform; Dress to impress ; ie: white dress shirt, black pants - this is a special parade (not a regular parade event)


Over the next few weeks, 83 Juno Beach will be migrating our communication channels to Stack Team App. This is a private portal for only parents and cadets in the squadron. This is where we will post ALL announcements and important updates. Please ensure both parents and cadets register to this app to receive all the latest updates. We will no longer be posting announcements on Instagram or Facebook to preserve the integrity and privacy of our activities.

Please be patient as we make our transition to this app.

OGS - Online Ground School

Air Cadet Online Ground School (OGS)

Air Cadets who intend to apply for the Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC) or Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC) must complete the Air Cadet Online Ground School (OGS). This program ensures an effective and equitable approach to ground-school training for all Air Cadets across Canada.

What is Online Ground School?

The OGS program is part of the Air Cadet National Selection Process and is comprised of approximately 45 hours of self-paced learning. This includes course content, quizzes, tests, a practice exam and a proctored GPTC or PPTC Qualifying Exam. To participate, cadets must have an active Cadet365 account, and will require access to a personal computer or mobile device and a broadband internet connection. Throughout the OGS course, participating Air Cadets will have access to a Transport Canada Civil Aviation approved instructor to help with course material, answer questions, and provide support for challenging topics.

In past years, the Qualifying Exam was completed on your own time. This year, the exam will go back to a proctored format and will be conducted during the week of 14 to 24 Jan 24 under supervision. More information to follow separately.

How do I apply for Online Ground School?

Air Cadets who meet eligibility criteria for either GPTC or PPTC can be registered by squadron staff in Fortress. You can only register for one of the courses, either GPTC or GPTC.

Eligibility Criteria are as follows:

·         Minimum Age for PPTC: 17 by 1 Sep 24 for PPTC, 16 by 1 Sep 24 for GPTC

·         Proficiency Level: Level 4 Qualified by 30 Jun 24 for PPTC, Level 3 Qualified by 30 Jun 2024 for GPTC

·         Minimum Grade Completed: Grade 10 (Jun 2024) for PPTC, Grade 9 (Jun 2024) for GPTC

·         Maximum Weight for PPTC:        111 kg

·         Minimum Height and Weight for GPTC:  152 cm, 41 kg

·         Maximum Height and Weight for GPTC: 191 cm. 91 kg

All information about the OGS will be relayed through Cadet365. Therefore, you must have an active Cadet365 account. If your password has expired, please follow the reset instructions at  Cadet365 -  If you are in Level 4 or Level 5 and have not yet set up your Cadet365 account, contact your Level Officer for your Username and Temporary Password. More information of the OGS can be found here: Air Cadet Online Ground School (OGS) (

If you meet the Eligibility Criteria and would like to register for the OGS, please contact Capt Pritchard at

Important Dates:

8 Sep 2023: Applications open in Fortress.

15 Nov 23: Application deadline.

1 Oct 23 to 13 Jan 24: The OGS training syllabus and mandatory practical exam is open to students.

13 Jan 24: All course content, including the practice exam, must be completed by 2359hrs Pacific Standard Time or cadet will be ineligible to complete the Qualifying Exam.

14 Jan 24 to 20 Jan 24: Cadets write the GPTC or PPTC Qualifying Exam, supervised by Squadron staff. It will not be completed during any other time period or without supervision. While most cadets will complete the Qualifying Exam through Cadet365, there will be an allowance to complete it on paper if there are computer or internet issues at the Squadron training location. That said, every effort should be made do complete the exam digitally.


Training Week Sept 25-26, 2023

Monday, Sept 25 - Optional Training Night

We are excited to resume optional training! We are currently offering three optional training opportunities:

  1. Biathlon

  2. Band

  3. Drill Team

Effective speaking and other optional training opportunities will be announced at a later date.


  • Time: 1900-2000, 1 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • What: . Biathlon is a sport that combines physical fitness with marksmanship skills through a combination of two activities. physical fitness and marksmanship using an air rifle.

  • Who: All interested cadets are invited to attend! A team of the top 12 cadets will be submitted as a team to compete regionally with other squadrons.


  • Time: 1900-2100, 2 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • Who: Current band members. A future announcement will be made to invite new cadets who play instruments to join.


  • Time: 2000-2100, 1 hr practice

  • Where: LHQ - Sheperd Community Hall

  • Who: All interested cadets are invited to attend! We will be conducting drill team tryouts for a future competition.


Regular training will resume on Sept 26. Parents are not permitted to stay at the LHQ unless you are a screened member of the SSC.

  • Time: 1815 - 2100 HRS

  • Dress: FTU - Field Training Uniform (New Cadets will get these soon, please be patient, do not email supply asking for them) Cadets with no uniform; nice clothing (example: white dress shirt, black pants)


Over the next few weeks, 83 Juno Beach will be migrating our communication channels to Stack Team App. This is a private portal for only parents and cadets in the squadron. This is where we will post ALL announcements and important updates. Please ensure both parents and cadets register to this app to receive all the latest updates. We will no longer be posting announcements on Instagram or Facebook to preserve the integrity and privacy of our activities.

Please be patient as we make our transition to this app.